Your Responses

Name Jane Doe Email
Position Vice President Organization Organization X
Address 1000 Liberation St City Issaquah
State WA Zip 98027
First Language English Gender & Age F 45
Education Degree PHD Education Field Business


No. 1 A good organization
Response has a strategic plan that guides their work into the future.
Stage 3.5
No. 2 When I am criticized
Response I try to listen to what they have to say and learn from it.
Stage 3.5
No. 3 Change is
Response everywhere in everything we do.
Stage 3.0
No. 4 These days progress means
Response getting to goal.
Stage 3.5
No. 5 Working with other people
Response is a delight especially when we are collaborative, and productive.
Stage 4.0
No. 6 The thing I like about myself is
Response I have a lot of energy.
Stage 3.5
No. 7 My co-workers and I
Response enjoy good relationships in and out of work.
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No. 8 What gets me into trouble is
Response when I can't balance my work with family and recreation. Work often takes over.
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No. 9 Education
Response is a requirement to get ahead.
Stage 3.0
No. 10 When people are helpless
Response they need hope and I help when I can.
Stage 3.5
No. 11 What I like to do best is
Response dream about projects that will bring value, excitement and enjoyment to our company.
Stage 4.0
No. 12 A good leader
Response is someone who is insightful about the people they lead, collaborative with the work at hand and a good listener where everyone is heard.
Stage 4.0
No. 13 We could make organizations better if
Response the surrounding world didn't exert so much cultural pressure on their values.
Stage 4.5
No. 14 The past
Response is a good instructor.
Stage 3.0
No. 15 Privacy
Response on the internet is virtually impossible
Stage 3.0
No. 16 I feel sorry
Response for those who work hours for little gain
Stage 2.5
No. 17 When they avoided me
Response they may have heard about the new policy I want to support.
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No. 18 Rules
Response can support the aims of an organization, or they can hinder the work that needs to get done.
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No. 19 Crime and delinquency could be halted if
Response we had a way to see that our children grew up in healthy happy homes
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No. 20 Business and society
Response go together. Society shapes business and business shapes society.
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No. 21 I just can't stand people who
Response who don't live up to their commitments.
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No. 22 At times I worry about
Response whether I have all the leadership skills I need to advance
Stage 3.5
No. 23 I am
Response an intelligent, hard working leader who puts a lot of effort into making this organization ethical and productive.
Stage 4.0
No. 24 If I had more money
Response I would pay my bills, save for my children's college and save some for a rainy day (and I would also have some fun!)
Stage 3.5
No. 25 My main problem is
Response other people can't keep up with me. I am lively and I wear others out with all of the projects I want to implement.
Stage 3.5
No. 26 When I get mad
Response everyone knows it.
Stage 2.5
No. 27 People who step out of line
Response should be quietly spoken to so that an appropriate remedies can be determined.
Stage 4.0
No. 28 When developing strategies
Response I like to create a skilled team who works together, gets the work done and has a joyful time as well.
Stage 3.5
No. 29 If my mother
Response was a living saint--she is gone now and I miss her terribly.
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No. 30 If I were in charge
Response I am in charge in many ways, and I try to engage with those I work with, with kindness, fairness and honesty.
Stage 3.5
No. 31 My father
Response is an honest, fair and loving man.
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No. 32 If I can't get what I want
Response I will change my plans to see if I can get it another way.
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No. 33 When I am nervous
Response I feel butterflies in my stomach, I pace and can't relax.
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No. 34 Technology
Response is an amazing tool these days that is growing so fast that we can hardly keep up with it.
Stage 3.5
No. 35 My conscience bothers me if
Response I am not honest, or if I cause harm to anyone even unintentionally.
Stage 3.5
No. 36 Sometimes I wish that
Response I would just allow myself to lay back in the sun and do nothing at all.
Stage 3.5