Range of Responses in Your Protocol

You have completed 36 unfinished sentences. Each sentence completion is given a separate score, which corresponds to one of the twelve stages, by a certified STAGES Analyst. You will find a distribution of thirty-six scores across several of the twelve stages as indicated below under individual sentence scores.

Next, your responses undergo several statistical analyses: Among these, the simple and cumulative distributions are calculated as well as the total weighted score. The higher a response, the more weight it is given.

Finally, the STAGES Analyst allocates an overall developmental stage to you. The developmental stage is determined by a combination of quantitative and qualitative assessments. The rater assigns an overall, final stage score to you based on an assessment of your responses and the writing, grammar, patterns, and objects you have highlighted in your writing.

Individual Sentence Scores
No. 1No. 2No. 3No. 4No. 5No. 6No. 7No. 8No. 9
No. 10No. 11No. 12No. 13No. 14No. 15No. 16No. 17No. 18
No. 19No. 20No. 21No. 22No. 23No. 24No. 25No. 26No. 27
No. 28No. 29No. 30No. 31No. 32No. 33No. 34No. 35No. 36

Range of Responses

Tier Stage Range of Responses Sentences by Stage
Concrete 1.0 0 0%
1.5 0 0%
2.0 0 0%
2.5 0 0%
Subtle 3.0 3 8.33% 22   25   36   
3.5 11 30.56% 7   10   11   16   21   24   27   31   32   33   35   
4.0 18 50% 2   3   5   6   8   9   12   13   14   15   17   18   19   20   23   26   29   34   
4.5 4 11.11% 1   4   28   30   
Metaware 5.0 0 0%
5.5 0 0%
6.0 0 0%
6.5 0 0%
  7.0 0 0%
7.5 0 0%

 Sample 1 (Torbert&Cook-Greuter)  Sample 2 (Cook-Greuter)
 Sample 3 (O'Fallon)  Your STAGES Assessment Score'

This graph compares your results to two leadership research samples collected by Torbert and Cook-Greuter (pre 2000), and Cook-Greuter (2000-2009) using the SCTi-MAP, and a leadership sample from the STAGES research (2014-2015). The STAGES Assessment research replicates, at a high level, the results from the SCTi-MAP.

Cook Greuter/Torbert's Sample 1 with 497 managers and supervisors was collected pre-2000.

The Cook-Greuter sample 2 with 1568 participants consists of leaders in their respective fields, managers, and consultants who have been profiled between 2000-2008. It is a highly selective sample consisting only of professionals. These individuals were either volunteering to take the SCTi-MAP (LDP) for self-development purposes or did so as part of and in the context of an organizational development effort.

The O'Fallon sample 3 has 2005 managers and leaders who took the STAGES profile during the 2014-2024 years.

You can map the percentage of the level of your responses with these samples and see how you compare.

Notice the range of responses you have given in your Assessment. Some individuals stay within 3 stages, other people's sentence completions span many stages. In general, it is beneficial if a person can respond to a range of levels.

The assigned stage of development in the STAGES assessment is the stage perspective you most automatically operate out of, or center of gravity. Each profile is unique and the comments relate to your specific stage, developmental range, and patterns.

Anderson, D. (2014). Vertical Leadership Development. Brandman Immersion, Being First, Inc.

Cook Greuter, (2002); A detailed Description of the Development of Nine Action Logics, Adapted from Ego Development Theory for the Leadership Development Framework. http://www.cook-greuter.com/Enrichment&Resources.htm

Joiner, B. J. s. S. (2006). Leadership agility: re levels of mastery for, anticipating and Initiating change. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Torbert, W., & Livne-Tarandach, R. (2009). Reliability and validity tests of the Harthill leadership development profile in the context of developmental action inquiry theory, practice and method. Integral Review, 5(2), 133-151.

Final Stage 4.0
Range of Responses 3.0 to 4.5